The first step is the most important



What is Integrative Psychotherapy?

The integrative approach to counseling is a comprehensive and adaptable framework that combines insights and techniques from various therapeutic modalities to create a tailored treatment plan for each client.  I draw from  cognitive-behavioral  (CBT), psychodynamic, existential and humanistic therapies…

Psychotherapy for Addiction - Unraveling Pain

Addiction is a journey that encompasses a myriad of struggles, from substance dependencies to behavioral obsessions. As we probe the depths of addiction, we’ll also examine the profound insight of Gabor Maté: “Don’t ask why the addiction, ask why the pain.” 

Psychotherapy for Construction Workers

Beneath the hard hats and heavy machinery lies a workforce that faces unique mental health challenges.  The impact of  macho culture, the absence of supportive networks are just two of the many reasons why counselling and psychotherapy can be a lifeline for those in this demanding field are explored…

Counselling for Older Adults

As the years advance, life takes on new dimensions, bringing with it unique challenges and opportunities. With my dedicated background in working with clients in this age group, I am committed to offering insights into the transformative potential of therapy in the golden years…

Embracing Neurodiversity in Counselling

Neurodivergence is a tapestry woven with diverse threads, encompassing conditions such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia and beyond. It’s a paradigm that recognises that cognitive differences are not deviations, but rather natural variations…

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